Thursday, September 27, 2012

The number of our days..........

The Bible tells us that only God knows the number of our days. I have been pondering some things regarding this. Why are the number of days uneven? Example: Daniel's days were up, but I am still here with days to go. It would seem logical to me that our days should be over together.

I have never been a horse person so to speak, but I do know what a well matched team looks like pulling a load together. My grandfather was a farmer and plowed with a team of horses. (As a child I would go to the field with him playing in the dirt at the edge of the field while he plowed.) A good marriage relationship is like that. Two people pulling life's load together as a team. Sometimes through hardships and around difficulties. Over time they become a well matched "team". When you are used to being a "team" and one of the team is no longer there, it is very difficult to pull the load.
Some forage ahead because of small children, some find another and become a team again. However, some become mired down with despair and depression and stop pulling altogether. Coming to a complete stop in life. Just marking the days. Watching time pass as they wait for the "number of their days" to come up. This is not good.

I think we come to a point in the grief process where we have to make a choice. Where do I go from here? What do I do with the rest of my days? Do I want to go on alone? These are all questions that run across our minds like a scroll. We have to meet them head on. Answering each one as it comes up.
Do I want to go on alone? In the early days of grief we answer that with a big NO. It seems impossible to go on alone. The hurt is too great! The pain of loss seems unbearable. We can not imagine a life without our loved one beside us. Then over time the question changes to "Can I go on alone?" and to this one we can choose to answer yes.
 Bringing up the next question :
Where do I go from here? This is not an easy one to answer. Sometimes we eagerly move on. Thinking it will help ease the pain and grief of loss. This often results in rash decisions that we regret later. Not an easy question to answer. I would say, one step at a time, one day at a time.

What do I do with the rest of my days?  I think I am at this place in the grief walk. I find myself just marking time. Not knowing what to do with my days. Not always feeling like I can be productive anymore.  (sigh) Sometimes feeling old and alone. The doorway to despair and depression.
If you have lost your team mate at a relative young age, it may be different for you. You probably have had to continue working and have a family to care for.
However, for those of us who are older, retired, and finding ourselves no longer part of a team; it can be difficult to move on. I feel like I am a different person. I no longer "fit in" to areas I was once very active in. Since I am older, my physical abilities are limited.
Where do I go from here. I am going to make a conscious choice to find out. As a christian, my first instinct is to start with prayer. Asking God to help me find direction  and purpose for these days He has left me with. I am sure it would not be His will for me to just mark time.  Not knowing what to do or how to begin I am going to need His help.
My second step will be to go to His word. The Bible has always been my road map for life.
Where are you? If you find yourself at the threshold of despair, make a choice today to do something about it. Don't continue to just mark time. We can all be productive in some way. Find out what your way is.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


You can look back through history and record a time line of  thousands of years, a few hundred years, or just months, even days. However long you choose, there will be significant dates and events posted along the way.
My time line starts on April 27, 1967. Our wedding day. There is the birth of our son on October 10,1970. The purchase of our first house a couple of years later. Trips, purchase of new cars etc.....
Then in 1985 Daniel had his first major health issue. His aortic valve stopped working. He had to have open heart surgery. Life changed drastically for us after that. There were the dark days following his recovery while he was with out work. He was a meat packer, and could not go back to that line of work. During this part of our time line we learned what "living by faith" was really all about.
Along in there our son graduated from high school and joined the Air Force. There are some events surrounding that.
God provided Daniel with a new line of work. He worked 15 years at a job God opened up for him. It still helps to provide for me today.  Our son got married and has given us three beautiful grand children. Daniel was so proud the day Ben and Cindy told him our grand daughter was on the way. She was to be born on his birthday January 28, 1998. Then the Dr. changed the date to January 27th. (Daniel was not happy with him) Ever after that Daniel's birthday was changed to January 27th. (Except on legal papers) :)
Our grand daughter was followed by two grand sons. Each event a source of pride and pleasure to us.

In the spring of 2003 Daniel's health took another turn. He suffered a stoke. There was another time of recovery for him. God was faithful and sustained us through these difficult times. We were thankful that he was not paralyzed, although there were some complications. He could not speak or read for some time. After many weeks of therapy he was able to regain his speech. Even though he had been declared disabled he led a pretty full life. In 2009 we followed our son and his family to the Pacific Northwest. Relocating to Granite Falls, WA from western Iowa. Daniel's health began to go down hill and on November 19th 2010 my time line ends.

This time line spans 43 years. Now it seems like 43 minutes. The Bible tells us that life is but a vapor. It passes so quickly. Too quickly to hold grudges, to let unkind words linger between you. Too quickly, to wait to make a wrong a right. Too quickly to have anger and hurtful words rip holes in your relationship.
Ephesians 4:26 "....let not the sun go down upon your wrath." This is a good rule to follow. I can look back over my timeline remembering times that anger came between us.  Usually over something that seems very silly and trivial now. Check your time line. Are there some things that can be changed going forward? Make those changes now. We have no assurance of tomorrow. We only have today. We are great ones to "make plans". In reality? I have a whole list of plans that were never full filled. Time ended 11/19/2010.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


21 months. That is the count. I have been wondering if you ever stop counting the months, days, years that have passed since the death of a loved one. In this case my  husband.  When someone mentions they have lost a loved one, it is usually accompanied by a number representing the length of time that has passed. Example:"My wife passed away 15 years ago".  So, my question is, do you ever stop counting? The 19th of every month marks another mile stone for me. I have reached a point where that date does not bring a sense of dread or anxiety. It does however always bring a sense of sadness and memory. Perhaps that is because these feelings of sadness are still just beneath the surface.  My next question is, do they ever stop rising to the surface?  Perhaps they do when you stop counting by months and start counting by years.
Another thing I have noticed is, I still refer to Daniel and I as "we" or "our". I don't know if I will ever think of myself and just "I".  Perhaps the longevity of our time together is the result of this mind set.  Even though there have been many physical changes during this last 21 months, mentally and emotionally I am still very much connected to the man I was married to for 43 years. I am not sure this cord will ever be broken or even "disconnected" for that matter.

(sigh) All I can say is "hang in there". We will walk this walk together with the Lord. He is the one holding us up each day.