It has been ten months and eleven days since my husband Daniel Akin passed away on November 19, 2010. His death was sudden. Even though he had health issues, it came as a shock. In the back of my mind I always thought something like this could happen, but I never allowed it to the fore front of my thoughts.
His death has changed me. I am not the same. I am not sure I ever will be. I try to go about doing things the same, but.......somehow it isn't.
In the beginning I had all these thoughts running through my head. I decided to put them down on paper to perhaps clear my mind. Unusual thoughts, like how many widows there are. Just in my family alone. My Mother and all of her sisters are widows. My sister has been a widow. (She has since remarried.) I have a close friend who was a widow. I guess I never realized how many women are widows until I became one too.
I miss the sounds. Just silence now. There is no sound of Daniel walking through the house. Daniel watching TV (fox news). Daniel making coffee. Most of all the the ticking of his heart valve. I miss talking to him. We were an unusual pair in that we could go without talking for awhile and then pick up right where we left off. I guess you never know what you will miss. Now that he is not here to talk to, I think of all these things I want to say. I miss being able to go places with him there in the car beside me.
I miss the smells. I don't drink coffee so there is no coffee smell in the house now. That fresh brewed smell and the sound of coffee dripping into the pot. The smell of breakfast cooking. He loved breakfast. I am not a breakfast person, but sometimes I fix it just so that I can have that familiar smell in the house. The smell of his aftershave. Wild Country from Avon. :) That was his favorite.
I miss being able to tell him all the things that have happened. It is as though he has been away for awhile and when he gets back I have all these things to share.
The furnace being broken, the front door knob that wouldn't work, etc... The yellow paint on the fender of the van where I got too close to the pole at McDonald's.
There are lots of regrets. If only we could have a "do over". Here are some things I would do over:
1. show more affection. Daniel was not one to do that. Oh, we knew we loved each other but sometimes you just need a hug or a touch.
2. learn to communicate. This was our shortcoming. It took years for us to have a fairly good communication. I think it developed more after he had his stroke in 2003. I learned more about what he was trying to say. He always kept feelings and thoughts to himself.
3. don't put things off. Now there are things that will never get done. He is gone. There are things we will never do together. He is gone. If you have an idea to do something it now.
My thoughts still wonder all over the place. Sometimes fear tries to creep in. Especially at night when I am here alone. I just have to push it back. I find myself wondering how long I will live. I am 68. It seems I am in relatively good health. But still, the time looking forward is getting shorter and shorter.
I feel like my anchor has come loose and I am adrift.
I have started this blog to share with others who have lost a mate. I want you to know that I totally understand what you are going through. I want to share some of my experiences with you and pray with you if you would like. I am a woman of faith, and it has helped sustain me these past 10 months. If you are a widow or widower, and have something to share please feel free to comment. I will write of my journey through grief and perhaps it will help you with yours.
Joy Akin
We miss Uncle Danny too! The other day my mom cracked "one of those dry, straight faced Akin jokes" and I said, "That's SO Uncle Danny!" We both said "We sure miss him!"
Joy, I think your first blog was excellent. It will help you as well as others. :)
Well done, dear friend. I read your heart in these words. As you share, may others be blessed.
Hi, Joy! I congratulate you on your blog. I also want to put one up, and hopefully I'll learn all the ropes. But for now I want you to know that your blog will be a great help to those who have gone thru, or are going thru what you have experienced. Not only for them, but for us who still have our spouses that we might learn to be more appreciative of our spouses,and realize each moment spent with them is precious. As we learn from your blog it will help us to remember not to forget the little things that one often takes for granted, and enjoy them now, so we can cherish the memories without regret. God bless you as you continue to minister thru your blog.
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