This is Memorial Day weekend in our country. It is a holiday. People have the day off work. Banks and government offices are closed. Schools are closed. Families go on vacation or just take the weekend to spend time together.
Memorial Day is the day set aside to honor our veterans. My Dad served in WWII aboard the aircraft carrier USS Windham Bay. Our son served in the air force during operation desert storm.
There will be parades and bar-b-ques. Picnics and fishing trips. This is the day that officially starts the summer season. The public swimming pool opens for the season. Hotels convert to their "summer" rates. We all have our family traditions surrounding Memorial Day. As a child I remember Mom and Dad loading us all up to go "down home". (That meant going to where they were raised in southeast Iowa.) There would be Aunts and Uncles and cousins to visit and play with. Mom and Dad always took flowers to place on the graves of relatives who had passed on. There was always a BIG family dinner that included homemade ice cream for desert, along with home baked pies. The cousins would vie for the chance to "set" on the ice cream freezer while my Uncle turned the crank. Then we hung out in the kitchen, when it was finished, hoping to be the one chosen to "lick" the left over ice cream from the freezer paddles.
Daniel's parents are buried in Beatrice, Ne. It was very important to him to honor them by placing flowers on their graves on Memorial Day. Beatrice, Ne was about two and a half hours from where we lived. We would plan for the trip and make a day of it. First stop was Rock Port, Mo to have breakfast at the truck stop there. (they also have good fried chicken gizzards) :) Next stop was at Auburn, Ne to take pictures of the beautiful flags on display there. (see pictures below) Sometimes we went through Nebraska City to stop at the large flea market there. Daniel loved books. He always came away from there with a few books he was sure he didn't have. On then to Beatrice. Decorating the graves, taking some pictures, and having a bite of lunch were next on the agenda. He drove home while I took a nap.
One of the things he regretted about moving to Washington State was the fact that he would not be able to decorate his parents graves on Memorial Day. Last year I visited the mid west, and that is one of the things I did for him. It was very hard to go to his parents graves with out him. Decorating the graves was such an important thing to him, that I wanted to make it happen not realizing how hard it would be. It wasn't the fun weekend we had always had in the past. The sense of loss was overwhelming.
We can place beautiful head stones with flowery words at the last resting place of our loved ones, and go there to visit. We can take flowers and decorations to honor them. But all this does not fill the void that is left by their absense.Of all the memories I have of Memorial Day weekend, I never thought they would include going to my husband's place of rest.
I guess Memorial Day is a day of remembering. Honoring those who fought for our freedoms. Honoring those whom we have loved and laid to rest. Honoring those who are still with us by getting together as family. Make some memorial day memories. They will come back to comfort you some day.

Memorial Day is the day set aside to honor our veterans. My Dad served in WWII aboard the aircraft carrier USS Windham Bay. Our son served in the air force during operation desert storm.
There will be parades and bar-b-ques. Picnics and fishing trips. This is the day that officially starts the summer season. The public swimming pool opens for the season. Hotels convert to their "summer" rates. We all have our family traditions surrounding Memorial Day. As a child I remember Mom and Dad loading us all up to go "down home". (That meant going to where they were raised in southeast Iowa.) There would be Aunts and Uncles and cousins to visit and play with. Mom and Dad always took flowers to place on the graves of relatives who had passed on. There was always a BIG family dinner that included homemade ice cream for desert, along with home baked pies. The cousins would vie for the chance to "set" on the ice cream freezer while my Uncle turned the crank. Then we hung out in the kitchen, when it was finished, hoping to be the one chosen to "lick" the left over ice cream from the freezer paddles.
Daniel's parents are buried in Beatrice, Ne. It was very important to him to honor them by placing flowers on their graves on Memorial Day. Beatrice, Ne was about two and a half hours from where we lived. We would plan for the trip and make a day of it. First stop was Rock Port, Mo to have breakfast at the truck stop there. (they also have good fried chicken gizzards) :) Next stop was at Auburn, Ne to take pictures of the beautiful flags on display there. (see pictures below) Sometimes we went through Nebraska City to stop at the large flea market there. Daniel loved books. He always came away from there with a few books he was sure he didn't have. On then to Beatrice. Decorating the graves, taking some pictures, and having a bite of lunch were next on the agenda. He drove home while I took a nap.
One of the things he regretted about moving to Washington State was the fact that he would not be able to decorate his parents graves on Memorial Day. Last year I visited the mid west, and that is one of the things I did for him. It was very hard to go to his parents graves with out him. Decorating the graves was such an important thing to him, that I wanted to make it happen not realizing how hard it would be. It wasn't the fun weekend we had always had in the past. The sense of loss was overwhelming.
We can place beautiful head stones with flowery words at the last resting place of our loved ones, and go there to visit. We can take flowers and decorations to honor them. But all this does not fill the void that is left by their absense.Of all the memories I have of Memorial Day weekend, I never thought they would include going to my husband's place of rest.
I guess Memorial Day is a day of remembering. Honoring those who fought for our freedoms. Honoring those whom we have loved and laid to rest. Honoring those who are still with us by getting together as family. Make some memorial day memories. They will come back to comfort you some day.