Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Anniversary...........

April 27, 1968. It seems like ages ago, and at the same time like yesterday. Daniel and I would have been married 44 years today. What was our wedding day like?
Busy, I guess would be the best way to describe it. Like most wedding days.
We were married in Miracle Valley, AZ by Rev. Bud Dunn.
As I set here looking at the pictures there is one of us with both sets of parents. What I see is, from that picture my mother and I are the only ones still living. (My mother will be 90 in a few days by the way)
We became engaged on Valentine's day in 1968 and were married a couple of months later. :) No long engagement for us.
(sigh) Where did the years go?  When you set out on a journey thinking you know how it will end, it is always a surprise to look back and see how short it was and how the ending turned out.

On that day 44 years ago I would not have guessed we would end up living in the Pacific Northwest or that Daniel would die here.  We thought we would always live in Arizona. Then we thought we would always live in Iowa.  Then we always felt we would live a little while longer, but the reality is we do not.
Now comes the reality of coping with the days after someone you have loved and lived with for nearly 44 years is no longer here.
I have a little journel book that I write in. (I may have mentioned this before.) I have been writing in it a  year now. I started on this day last year. I was setting on my bed in a care center. My husband had been gone only five months. I had fallen, broke my arm, and had surgery ten days before. I desperately needed to talk to Daniel. OH how I longed for him to be there to take care of me, to take me home. I was there with strangers helping me with unmentionable things I could not do for myself. In my hour of sorrow and really, really being down in the dumps, a young lady from the church I attend came to visit me at the care facility. I poured out my heart to her. ( I guess she just happened to be in the right place at the right time) She was kind enough to bring me the little journel book. It was a life saver for me.  I started writing as though I were writing a letter to Daniel. I have been writing to him ever since.
When I fell I was wearing the dress Daniel bought me for our 40th anniversary. In the emergancy room they started to cut it off . I said, "NO, don't cut it. I will take it off." They looked at me like I was delusional. My arm was broken how would I get a dress off. I managed to get it up over my head and all except for the arm that was broken.  They had to cut that part. I was able to save the dress, and have it repaired. There is something about tangable things, like a dress, that we need to hang on to.
The little journel book helps me to hang on to past memories and let's me record new ones.
I know my Daniel is celebrating our anniversary around the throne of God today. I know some day I will be there too. But, in the meantime I will continue to write my thoughts in the little journel. Taking comfort in telling him the things I would if he were still here.

Through all this remembering and looking back, we have to remember God tells us we have no assurance of tomorrow. He tells us all that our days are like a vapour. Yet, we seem to think they will last forever. That nothing will change, things will always be the way they were. We put things off. Thinking we will have time to "fix it later", "tell her/him later", "go visit them tomorrow". Truth? There is no assurance of tomorrow. Tell him/her, visit those loved ones today.
Happy Anniversary Daniel

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A guest post......

My friend Dean Bauman sent this to me. It blessed me. I pray that it will bless and comfort you as well.

Grieving and God
This is for anyone who has lost a loved one.
One of the hardest things to accept is that life as we know it does not go on. Relationships are often difficult to establish and maintain. And on rare, wonderful occasions, some just fall into place so easily and run so smoothly from both ends.
Losing one we're close to, feels unfair and so sad. Those we just fell in love with from the start, that were there for us whatever our circumstances, whatever our pain, no matter how we lost our humor, those we could wrap our arms around and receive comfort from, we find it impossible to release them to death.
Once we relax in knowing they are there, will never reject us, will always return our love and affection, how can we plan a future without them?
How can the memories be enough when our hearts seem to slow, yet pound so loudly in our throats, when our joy is crushed, when our eyes cloud and will never view things the same again? How should we behave? Why should we just walk back into life as though nothing ever happened? How can we ever be expected to smile again? How can we let go?
Amazingly enough, long before we were conceived, long before we participated in life, God had a plan........a perfect plan.
He foresaw the need for this life to have a beginning as well as an end. He created and thoroughly understood the complexities of relating to others. He gave us the ability to love and draw close. He knew the path our lives would take and how deeply we would feel pain. He left nothing out.
He built within us the abilities to grieve without dying, to let go without forgetting, to cope without quitting, to continue to love those who have gone on, yet grow to love others more strongly and even to add new love to our hearts.
He even gave us time......time to grieve, time to heal and time to grow from our new understanding.
Beyond our awesome creation, He knows exactly when we suffer loss and how hard it is for us.
We are among those He just fell in love with from the start, He is there for us no matter what our circumstances, what our pain, no matter how we've lost our humor, He wants to wrap us in His arms and receive comfort from Him.
We can relax in knowing He has always been there, will never reject us, will always return our love and affection, and will help us plan our future.
He will rejoice with us in our memories and restore our joy and make our hearts pound loudly in our throats in anticipation of a glad future.
We should not walk the same roads over again. He devised that when our eyes have clouded with tears we should never view things the same way again. We could grow bitter from sadness, or we can grow and learn compassion. We should never behave as though nothing ever happened. We should fondly remember that knowing, then missing someone has changed us, that we were blessed with the company of angels while they were here. This amazingly perfect plan that God has, of which He mapped out every possible outcome, leads us always back into His very capable, loving arms.
It's not that He wants us to suffer, not that He wants us to cry, not that He wants us to lose those we love dearly. God just wants us to remember that while we were happily on our journey with our loved one, He was happy too.
He leads us to know that after losing our loved one, when we return to life more lonely, He steps up closer to us and not only understands our loneliness, but helps us hold our head up.
When emptiness invades your sleep, He offers what no other friend can..... serenity as deep as the emptiness and hope as promising as the sunrise. He is the one friend that cannot and will not die, and will never leave our side. He is the almighty creator who gave you forever your friend or relative.
Love and Prayers, Dean